Focused on building P3
as a leading and innovative Product Development Company, our concentration
is in developing and manufacturing OEM
(Original Equipment Manufacturer) or Custom Made Products;
specializing in unique and exclusively designed products, predominantly
Licensed, Patented, Patent Able and/or Proprietary to our clients.
Our dedicated people recognize the importance in discovering and formulating
new product concepts, with the latest technology, that our clients can
transform into present day success stories. Their mandates are to enhance
and expand our clients' presence and market share, as well as develop
future product lines under the same guidelines.
To achieve our maximum efficiency, we are more than just a trading company
and not an organization that simply "passes paper". Our people
take a personal interest in the products developed. Their instincts
and experience over the years have taught them how to qualify and decipher
potential manufacturing candidates and enhancing attributes to make
our products that much better.
Like the clients we represent, the products we manufacturer each have
unique requirements. From the materials selected, to the manufacturing
processes, to the type of packaging and merchandising displays, our
people incessantly seek and identify new resources to benefit our clients.
The result allows us confidently to offer:
- Mechanical Engineering
- Packaging Design
- Product Design
- Sourcing
- Pattern Making
- Factory Auditing
& Inspections
- Material Consultation
- Rapid Prototyping
- Production Management
- Turn Key Service
- Musical Arrangements
- Sound Effects
- Shipping Logistics
- Graphic Design
- Quality Assurance
In conjunction with
our strong Merchandising and Engineering Departments, our Shipping and
Finance Departments are equally aggressive and result oriented. Possessing
strong computer and analytical skills, both departments liaise with
their respective networks, demanding quick and efficient responses,
hence enabling the smooth flow of logistics within both the Southern
& Northern China Regions, as well as the US and other international